Gambling, Gaming and Technology Use (formerly, Problem Gambling Institute of Ontario) is part of the Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) Program in the Provincial System Support Program (PSSP) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). GGTU aims to build a stronger mental health and addictions system in Ontario by supporting mental health and addictions service providers through training and education, digital tools and resources and knowledge-sharing activities. Our continuing professional development efforts focus on building the capacity of mental health and addiction service providers by synthesizing current academic research, clinical expertise and lived experience expertise.

GGTU develops and delivers online trainings and webinars to provide mental health and addiction service providers with the latest information on evidence-informed practices for the identification and treatment of problem gambling and other behavioural addictions including problem technology use.

SBIRT is an evidence-based, public health approach to the early identification and provision of treatment services to individuals engaging in potentially risky health behaviours – in this case, problem gambling.

This self-directed online course presents current evidence and best practices for working with families, couples and loved ones experiencing harms because of a loved one’s problem gambling. It provides an overview of these harms and addresses how professionals can support these individuals, including intervention strategies professionals can use to help clients protect their finances, develop coping skills, repair relationships and rebuild trust. This course is most suitable for professionals wishing to gain knowledge of these issues while learning at their own pace.

Applications of Counselling for Problem Gambling and Gaming is a self-directed course with two streams (i.e., for gambling and gaming) intended for mental health and addictions service providers. This course provides an overview on three key areas of counselling: therapeutic alliance, values and goal setting with a focus on an interactive experience through six computer-based simulations where you will act as a counsellor to different clients. In these simulations you will need to make decisions about what to say to help clients through their therapeutic journey. An opportunity to reflect and discuss these concepts with other learners is also provided. Three CEU’s are provided for completion of each stream.

This self-directed online course will provide students and professionals with a foundational understanding of problem gambling and gaming. This training presents evidence-based screening tools, assessment, and treatment approaches for recognizing and supporting individuals at risk of, or experiencing, problem gambling and/or problem gaming.